Born and raised in Adelaide, my parents, both designers, brought me up with a strong appreciation for art and creativity. Throughout my teenage years I patiently waited for my growth spurt to happen, but it never did. Over time, I realized that being vertically challenged came with a lot of bonuses! This is where my obsession with shoes originated. At 15 years old I created shoes out of different materials for a school project, and now 10 years later, I am doing anything and everything to make this dream come true.
After graduating from University I worked as a journalist for three years. I enjoyed its challenges, but it wasn’t my dream job. I took the plunge at 24 years old and quit my job, saying goodbye to a salary to learn the ins and outs of shoe making and design. It was a huge step (and scary!) to give up everything I had worked towards, but at the end of the day, what's important is focusing on a career that makes you happy and makes you get up every day looking forward to it! That way I believe you never work a single day in your life - because you love what you do.
For me, it is becoming a shoe designer.
In this blog you'll find the processes of shoe making. I try to capture every stage, from pattern making to the final product. It is for all the shoe lovers out there, but particularly for those interested in handmade footwear.