Monday 22 April 2013

Grey is the new Green

Recyclable products are becoming more and more popular and even fashionable, not only in Australia but all over the world. Many aspiring and successful designers are looking towards greener ways of creating their products. The material I have chosen is called EchoPanel.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Little Derby

Toddler shoes... So little, so cute, so fun, so colourful! Oh I couldn't resist and had to make my first pair! I have always wanted to make a pair of kid's shoes so I decided to make a pair of derby kicks! It is even more challenging making little people footwear because one tiny mistake can be very obvious. Derby or Gibson style footwear has evolved so much over the years, so I wanted to test myself and try and create a pair that are stylish but also have a casual edge to them.

I hope you like them! But more importantly, I hope the little ones like the look of these!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Australian Made

I came home from Italy filled with new ideas and a better understanding in how to design and make shoes. Although I learnt a lot overseas, it wasn't enough. The teachers in Italy kept telling me to stay for the three year course so I could get a better understanding of the shoe design and making process - if only my bank account agreed!

A month after I returned, I jumped straight back in to the industry, after being accepted into a 12 month Custom Made Footwear Certificate at TafeSA. Within the first four weeks I completed my first pair. I tried my best to capture the process of these shoes to share with you.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Made in Italy

Market Research 

It is important to find a niche market or field that you are interested in when designing your own shoe collection. In this course I was overwhelmed by the different styles of footwear in Italy, from the vintage stores to the high end brands. There was one style I fell in love with in the Celíne window one morning. It is simple yet classy and very comfortable. I wanted to see if I could create my own version. 


Bella Italia

For three months I moved to Florence to study Orientation in Shoe Techniques at Polimoda, an international institute of fashion design and marketing.

The culture in Italy is so different to Australia, but I immediately fell in love with the food, the fashion, the architecture, and most importantly the language. I would try and take a different route each day to class to discover something new. I even spotted a sign - 'scarpe' meaning shoes in Italian. I opened the door to find an Italian man sitting on a stool hammering away at a new pair of red leather shoes. I had to take a picture!

The course covered areas in drawing techniques, pattern making, fashion history, CAD, leather technology and shoe making. There were eight students in my class from all over the world – and we still keep in contact today.